damn, blogger sucks sometimes
Thursday, January 04, 2007
i guess i'd informed most of e people alr
sorry if i didnt
why? 'cos i'm sick of my old url.
i know it's irritating but i wont change it again (:
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woke up damn early today
@10am. went out till now ):
family encourage me to go for dance after getting results
it's a very good thing that they allow me to do so
'cos i know there's many parents out there who doesnt allow their kids to
i'm happy but like what?? nafa?laselle?? ms kok discourages me to go there ):
howhowhow?anymore dance schools?HELP!!
i shall do a quiz!(taken from gan's blog (: )
Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don't make sense. You'll be surprised though.. NO CHEATING
How are you feeling today?
just dance.
Will you get far in life?
dirty little secret. (???)
How do your friends see you?
cherish(i'm glad)
Will you get married?
my love.
What is your best friend's theme song?
lovely(haha, yea)
What is the story of your life?
unwritten. (:/)
What was high school like?
How can you get ahead in life?
What is the best thing about your friends?
beautiful love.
What is today going to be like?
graduation(friends forever).
What is in store for this weekend?
baby just say goodnight. (poos.no shopping?? ): )
What song describes you?
i wanna love you forever. (lol!.)
To describe your parents?
step ya game up. (ehh??)
How is your life going?
i'll remember you. (no link lehh)
What song will they play at your funeral?
let go.
How does the world see you?
step up.
Will you have a happy life?
walk away. (is this a yes/no?idiot.dont walk away!!)
What do your friends really think of you?
call me when you are sober.
Do people secretly lust after you?
too little too late.
How can I make myself happy?
love you so. (i love you!!)
What should you do with your life?
explosive. (hey!i want a smooth life!!i dont want it to be bingpiangbong!!)
Will you ever have children?
bout it. (let's see)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007rain rain go away ):
i'm currently conferencing w hubby& kevin
yes, he's back!!!!!! yayy!
i hate rain
you know, e moment i stepped out of my hse,
it started to rain
&pig.my i-pod went flat
so i had to run back all e way from e bus stop to home to change my i-pod
lala, took my jacket&i ran off again
i didnt dance in e end :/
went to watch class, grade7&pre-primary
martin's kind today, he treated me sweets :DD
him(telling ms kok): i saw her w her boyf just now
me:you listen to him talk shit.
ms kok:yah, talk shit.i never even saw him before lor!
hahaha, i love e nuts(:
actually, he's always nice, so we were talking about where i'm going to
gan came, waited for her&off to sakae!
yumyum, lol
chawamushi's love, soft shell crab too
-drools (x
so bro drop by sakae to pass me prezzie! (:thx!!
so@ 10pm, we went to e loo
so when we were peeing halfway,
e lights went off.damn freaky
&we hurried out w/o buckling up
i know this part of my post's damn unglam
but yea, there was NOONE ard
which made it more freaky lahh!
&so we rushed out of pp
then bro called me saying he's eating w a black(not chi,not eurasion/malay.it's you know lah)
&i went EEYER!! kay, i'm racist lahh :p
miss sim called me@ e bus stop
haha.i'm shocked she stills remembers my name
hehes, but yea, she played for us since we were in pri school
so we chatted about schools&dance this kinda things
lalala, msn sucks now
i cant connect!!damn.
they're talking 'bout&playing that sucky dota D;<
Tuesday, January 02, 2007screwed tagboard
took out e pw
&my tagboard went mia ):<
screw haloscan.poos
new skin done but i'm dont feel like changing yet
so yea, bye!
oh&hubby's gonna be back tml!
Monday, January 01, 2007HAPPY NEW YEAR [:
didnt managed to countdown w hubby this year ):
he's still not back yet.pooos
yest reminds me of last year's countdown
we were@ ecp's jetty <3
almond!we were@ e same place!! LOL
2006 passed damndamn fast
just a blink of eye& tada!! 2007!
well, 2006 was quite a good year
@least for me
e time spent w ballet mates was e best
nz trip& everything
school was O-K only(considering e fact that i dislike school)
slacking& ups&downs among our clique
*why care 'bout what others talk about you?
it's their problem anw, they dont even know you
treat 'em as though they want your attention
but just dont give 'em.sucha a watse of time (:
¬ forgetting hubby&i
went through quite alot tgt
but everything turned out great
was out fri,sat&sun
marina bay was crazy yest
but we managed to get a quite good view
okay, actually, it's a very good view of e fireworks
dang, we're so lucky (:
flooded hubby's number this few days
hope his phone wont hang when he reaches sg
muahaha (X
went out w nad on sat
it's been a loonnggg time lahh
so yea, called so many people
either they didnt pick up/sleeping/not free/working
so in e end ke told me that nad wasnt working so yayy!
ahhh yes, people are going back to school on e 3rd
how nice, then we can FINALLY shop w muchmuch fewer people (:
esp vivo& sentosa
caught charlotte's web yest
e pig's soo cutee
gonna watch death note when hubby comes back :D
i was like jdshfhjuw!!-ing yest morning
hubby texted me saying he'll be extending his trip till e 10th >:(
but in e end he said he'll be coming back on e 3rd for me :DD
ohhohh, he called me yest@ 12am from overseas
i was videoing down e fireworks
then he suddenly called
which made me damn happy <3
though yea
shall end this post w some photos(there's somemore w queenie)! byee!
yesyes, 5more periods to go (:
e animation's from this neoprint machine!!
it's damn cool lah, you can infared e photos to your phone
my scanner's down so yea, there's 2more
new blogskin in process
will make it simple though (: